What is the thorey of a sump?

mr . salty

Active Member
The sump is just a larger verson of a filter that is located ubder the main tank.They are also used to house the heater,skimmer and any other equiptment that you don't want to look at in the tank.I would HIGHLY reccomend one for any tank over 75 gallon.


I recommend a sump on all tanks if possible. @ a 29gal tank with a 10gal sump give a place for equipment,makes more room in the tank. Away to put more current in the water without powerhead = returns..seaswirls ect. A place for top off water changes ,additives,you can even make a refugium for pods,alga. It adds more water volume with is always good. When you have evaporation the tank says full ect ect ect......better skimmers are made for the sump. You don't need a big ugly hang on and if it floods less problem if its in the sump