What is the trick to reef tanks?



Lighting is not a trick, it's a necessity. The "trick" is consistancy...stability.
That was what took me the longest to perfect.


Patience, patience, patience...
Only bad things happens fast in reef keeping.
Lot and lots of reading and researching. It never stops, which is what makes this such an interesting hobby. The web is great for that.
Ask questions. If you are not sure or ignorant of something in particular, just post a question and there will be lots of more experienced reefers that would be happy to help.
Remember, nothing is gospel. Reading and discussing with others will help guide you in the direction that best suites you and your set-up.
Remember no two reef tanks are alike. What is successful for someone may not be so for you.
Keep an open mind.

who dey

Active Member
keep bioload introductions slow, change can create problems if not done right. like someone said up above, "consistancy"


Active Member
There's no trick....
.......it's just lighting (measured in LUX), subject to your tank dimensions; fish, subject to your bio load; corals, subject to your PH-->Alk-->Ca; water flow, subject to your pumps; bio load, subject to your mechanical filtration subject to your biological filtration, subject to your chemical filtration; heat, subject to your water volume, subject to your area of the nation, subject to the seasons......:nervous:
....if A = B, and B = C, then is lighting subject to seasons :notsure:


Active Member
Hey Laddy -
I'm glad you didn't post this in the New Hobbyist forum ... I think they'd just quit!


nm reef

Active Member
Patience...research...and then more patience.
there really is no trick...lots of folks manage to establish very nice reefs....it just takes time ...effort...patience...research...expense...and even more patience.

But the basics would consist of quality lighting...adaquate filtration...and decent circulation....all play a vital role in establishing a reef.:thinking: