What is this and why is it turning RED!!!


This used to be some course algae that was green. Lately it has been getting taken over by these thick strands of what looks like RED hair. It is VERY course and nearly impossible to pull off. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
its red hair algea i believe that lettuce nudi should take care of it, or a tang , this will usually apear with higher then normal nitrate levels :


Huh, odd. I had my water tested this week like I do every week by several of different stores and they all said that my nitrate levels were undetectable. I have clams, mangroves and shaving brush plants to take care of that


Active Member
wierd what test kits are they using sulifer, cause something else in your tank can throw those tests off especially if your using calc. additives, hair algea will not grow if theres no nitrate or phos imo


It wont grow, but it wont go away either. If you have it in your tank, from my understanding, you need to get something to eat it. I am not having blooms of it or anything. There's just the stuff that has been there since the beginning if it was not already taken over by corraline algae.


No tangs. The nudi is only a few days old also. Besides I dont even think it is bryopsis LOL or whatever it is called. I thought that was their main diet and only diet? I want to get a Tomini Tang but the things cost like 175 bucks from most places and I am waiting to get my bigger tank and find it cheaper.


Active Member
Don't forget that if you have a nuisance algae and your nitrates are 0 then it could just be the algae consuming them. Don't assume that you don't have them.
Get something to eat it
Remove or eliminate Nitrates
Perhaps create a fuge with a nice algae that is out of the view of the tank.