What is this anenome doing? See Pic!

I put this LT anenome in my tank a week ago. It looked like a good specimen, good coloration, planted his foot in sand, opened up within a day. LFS said they fed him a day prior. After a few days he picked up and moved...has not planted his foot and only opened up once about 2 days ago. His coloration still seems good, but I have not gotten him to eat yet...its been over a week. Also, his foot is swelling up! Please give me some advice....why could he be swelling, and is it normal to not eat for over a week? Thanks


I had a bubble tip that would move around a lot but i learned my lesson with the power heads 8( he must have hit a current and got sucked up into the inlet i found what was left the next day.. that was heart breaking. I use filters on my power heads now.
Just a warning if he does get around the heads..
What are you trying to feed it? also with a clown fish using it for a host they dont eat as mush there is a relationship between them . But i would feen mine frozen brine shrimp with a little garlic extract using a turkey baster and now and then a small feeder fish.


Try feeding him a piece of krill. They will move around until they find a place they like.

nm reef

Active Member
Looks like it is in search of a better place to stay. They do have a tendacy to move around especially if they aren't happy with their current surroundings. Also they will move if water chemistry is a problem...whats your results for nitrates? The only anemone I keep is a 2+ yr old condy and he'll re-locate now&then...he does respond well to feedings of meaty foods. Can't offer much more advice than that...good luck with yours...



A previous suggestion was made that your current may be to strong for him to find a site he likes. This was the case with me. I wish we could put them where we want them and they would stay but that isn't the case most of the time. When I first introduced mine it went a rolling and rolling until I shut off the powerheads and retried making a good hole in the sand base and placing him in it. He stayed there for a while and then found a place in time up in my LR. Once he seats make sure your powerheads when on don't make too much current on him. When he fids his spot it will be hard to move him without causing damage to his foot.


I have a Condi that likes to move every once in a while . You do need to be careful with the powerheads they seem to gravitate towards them and if they get to close they are goners. I feed mine krill about every other day and it is very happy.


My LTA did a very similar thing for almost a month except mine ate every chance it got. Thats what I'd focus on, getting it to accept food. A part of that will be touching it to see if it "grabs" you. The sting feels more like velcro on your hand, kind of.
Anyway, my LTA had a swelled foot, but remained "alert" to stuff around him and held his tentacles up like yours does. Looking at your sand it looks rather coarse. LTAs bury their bodies into the sand for protection. your sand may be ebrasive/too coarse and that may cause some swelling. after a months time, the LTA that I have let itself drift its foot into an over hang of rock which it squeezed its foot into, then buried it and it attatched to the glass ot the bottom of my tank. I've tried a technique at my shop and told other to try it and has had very good results woth getting them to act normal and foot down. I just put their body/foot near such an overhang about soft sand, and almost all will foot down within a week, some decide to move after that, but many seem to be looking for positions like that. hope I've helped
PS: I'd like to add a question for everyone here. I've had my LTA for 8 months now and in the pask 2 weeks its almost doubled in size after no growth. I have started more frequent spot feedings, but My lights are getting older and will be replced on thursday. Is it spreading due to real growth, or is it trying to just get mroe light?


Active Member
anemones inflate their feet like that because its easier for currents to catch them and move them around...it is definately trying to relocate...jut give him some time, but as j-cal suggested, focus on gettign him to eat!
good luck



Originally posted by waterfaller1
jarvis,why would you suggest that?Aren't they a hydroid,that can pack a heck of a sting?

The type of anemone doesnt have a very potent sting. Your finger tip is the thickest part of skin. I would not suggest this with an unidentifiable species or one that is know to have a very nasty sting. This particular species can give you a nice punch if he grabs the back of your forearm but will not feel it if it is on your finger tip. If he is not eating I belive it will be very difficult to recover. If he doesnt have the ability to sting prey and bring it to its mouth he is probobly in worse shape. The pet store that I go to had mistakenly added some anemones to the reef display Where they atatched to show sized rocks. They seem to have went through the same fate as described, but is a diffrent kind of anemone. (commonly sold as flower anemone, I belive them to be macrodactyla). They are definately on their way towards walking into the bright light.


Active Member
mine stays put for a while,then packs up and moves. he "ran" all the way around a rock until he setteled in the same place he was.