What is this? Aptasia??


New Member
Are there more than one type of aptasia? I have a couple new anenomes that have a green center to them. Is this a baby aptasia or maybe something else?


Mojano Anenome. They are as bad, if not worse than aiptasia. I would buy some "Joe's Juice" and apply it to them. These buggers reproduce asexually, meaning 1 can become 100 in a couple of weeks. Take my advice and start the killing ASAP, don't wait a week or two.


Originally Posted by fishnerd
Mojano Anenome. They are as bad, if not worse than aiptasia. I would buy some "Joe's Juice" and apply it to them. These buggers reproduce asexually, meaning 1 can become 100 in a couple of weeks. Take my advice and start the killing ASAP, don't wait a week or two.

You can also inject them with kalkwasser or pickling lime...just get a needle and syringe, mix a little water with the powder and poke them and inject away! It works great and won't harm your tank.....