what is this black blob?


im finding all kinds of weird stuff with the latest pieces of lr i bought. there's this big black blob that came out of the rock. its abt 3.5" long x 2" wide. its pitch black, kind of velvet looking w/two antenae at the head(?)and a tiny white spot on each. it moves around on the rocks eating algae. anyone know what this is? is it good or bad?:eek:


Active Member
I know exactly what it is.. I had alot in my 180. Took me forever to find out what they were... Now I can't rember their name:(


thanks wamp, one less thing to worry about. wierd looking guy. now i can try to find morre info on him.:p


Active Member
They will readily multiply in your tank. Trust me... Before too long you'll have more...
Also, Don't even waste your time trying to get them off glass or rock. You'll kill it before being able to pry it off. They have more suction than a hoover.


wamp, does it take two to tangoin this case? if theres only one in my tank, maybe it wont multiply?? some things in nature doesnt take two, i hope this isnt the case. :confused:


Active Member
If you see one, there is a strong chance there are more. I am not sure how they multiply but I belive it is sexual not asexual.


Active Member
Now that I reread your original post, you did say white spots on antenna.. I thought it was on his back... Sorry about that..