What is This Creature?


New Member
I got some Calpura from my LFS and found a hitchiker! Please hel me identify it. I don't want any nasty critters in my tank reeking more havoc than me. I have enough trouble with it!!


It's a nudi branch and they eat leather corals. I had one of these hitchhike his way into my reef and before I know what had happened he had eaten my finger leather and was starting in on my sinularia. I threw mine in my fuge and never saw him again. If you have any leather corals in the tank you should probably remove it, if not then it probably won't hurt anything.


Possibly Tritoniopsis elegans, and if it is then it does have a specialty diet of soft corals.


New Member
Ah-ha!! It's very samll, only about a 1/8". Will it stay alive without any leather corals to eat? What else does it eat? It sure is cute!