Noticed today that my Purple Tang has a whiteish blotches on his bottom fin that is the same pattern on both sides...it actually looks like his bottom fin has turned a faint whiteish color - almost like someone took a paintbrush and brushed a stroke of thin white paint on it.
Has anyone seen this before?
I've had him now for 6 months with no problem. Eating well - Prime reef flake food every 4 days and sushi nori every 3 days.
75 gallon tank (Upgrading soon to 125)
Water(I know these are a bit out of whack..working on it):
Ph - 7.8
Nitrate - 25-50ppm
PO4 - 1ppm
temp - 80
dkh - 20
Ca - 400
sg - 1.024
I have soft corals, crabs, pep and blood red shrimp
Has anyone seen this before?
I've had him now for 6 months with no problem. Eating well - Prime reef flake food every 4 days and sushi nori every 3 days.
75 gallon tank (Upgrading soon to 125)
Water(I know these are a bit out of whack..working on it):
Ph - 7.8
Nitrate - 25-50ppm
PO4 - 1ppm
temp - 80
dkh - 20
Ca - 400
sg - 1.024
I have soft corals, crabs, pep and blood red shrimp