What Is This On My Walls


Im at a darn lost..I have like gritty film on the inside of my aquarium wall..It does not cover the whole wall..But in a few places..And if I take my hand and run it across I can feel the grit as I call it.Certain spots is as smooth as can be but as soon as I reach the gritty spots its east to tell.I also have like tiny red spots on some of the wall..This will all come off with a long handle scubber.I have tried a mag float but I actually need to scrub it off with the scrubber meant for aquarium walls..Only thing is will it harm my fish if I continue to scrub it off or will my filter catch it before there is any harm done? Anyone have any ideas as to how I can end this gritty stuff on my walls? The water is crystal clear..I run a UV Sterilizer and a protein skimmer along with 3 1200 each power heads and a 1500 series Canister Filter in a 125g..Please I need help in ending this..I want my walls to be all smooth throughout the aquarium..Its not all over..But in spots and it does bug me.Its hard to keep the temp below 82 without putting bottles of froozen RO water in.My reading are listed below.Please Help me stop this gritty feeling on my walls :help:
Nitrate-40..Could the rates be my problem?
Temp-82.2 82.4 82.6 etc I do not allow it to reach 83


sounds like little worms and other items that in the ocean settle on the rocks in our tanks they will settle on the glass pumps filters etc and start to grow. There really isnt anything that you can do other than clean it off now and then.
as far as temp what lights do you have>?


Active Member
is it brownish? and do your snails leave "teeth" marks through it? if so, just scrape it off. it's algae.