What is this purple goo?


I have recently rearranged my 80 gal reef tank. I am new to this, so don't know what I am doing. Yikes! Anyways, I did a water change at the same time. Since then I have noticed a thick purple goo growing on my zoos and star polyps. It is growing a few other places, but most there. It is filled with air bubbles and just seems to keep growing. What is this? I have a lot of coraline algae on my rocks, but it looks different. Same basic color purple, but more slimy and bubbly. It's probably obvious to the experts, so sorry if I am very slow in catching on to this new hobby. Did I mention how broke I am as a result????
Thanks for your help!

mr. limpid

Active Member
Ha Ha this hobby is very expensive and addictive. Sound like red slime its a bacteria (not good). When you do water changes siphon it out, it pull right off. Also read the thread at the top of new hobbyists has a few things you should do to stop it from growing.