What is this spider web type stuff in my nano?


I have a 4 week old 24g nano cube that has this material that resembles spider webs on the live rock. can anyone tell me what this is and what to do about it. thanks so much. here is the best pic I could get of it

yosemite sam

Active Member
Can you tell where it's coming from? Do you have vermetid snails? They will look like little tubes growing out from the rock.


Well-Known Member
vermetid snails
I hate them, they make the whole tank look aweful. Mine died out on their own. I had an outbreak of them years ago. They got little webs on all the corals, and made a mess of things...they were all over my tank.


Well-Known Member
Hey Spanko, how do you get rid of those things? I have some on my feather duster cluster.


Active Member
Have you tried to break the tubes off? Some people do that and the a dab of super glue gel. Others have put super glue gel over the tube.
Luckily I have not had to personally try any method but if I ever do I think it would be the break and glue.


Yea the live rock that I bought def. had them on it. I will try to take it out of the tank for a while and deal with it. Thanks for all the help guys! Have a good weekend everybody!