what is this stuff??

i got this red algae lookin stuff all over my sand but not on my liverock what's goin on this thing has been cyclin forever i dk whats goin on it looks like my ammonia is gone at zero but my nitrite is at like .50 an nitrate looks a little under 5.0 ph is 8.4 and salinity is 1.022 with a temp of 80..please help me..


its most likely cayno bacteria, resulting from low flow and to much nutrients. You can syphon it out and increase your flow to that area and it should go away. There are an never ending number of threads on this problem avialable to read on this topic.
it ain't easy doin what i need to do on a low budget ither i figured it was cuz of not enough flow i've been tryin 2 find some good deals on alot of stuff that i need cuz the stores around me are outragous price wise