what is this stuff


New Member
so i just started this new 55 gal tank and i added about 20 lbs of live rock...my dry rock is on its way...any way the past couple of days i have been noticing that my sand looks like it changing colors...what is this i will post a pic when i get home..i just hope it doesnt hurt my tank...my sand started an almost white color that i got from ***** and it was like that for a good few weeks....and maybe a couple of weeks after the introduction of live rock....


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by izzy69 http:///t/390001/what-is-this-stuff#post_3450662
so i just started this new 55 gal tank and i added about 20 lbs of live rock...my dry rock is on its way...any way the past couple of days i have been noticing that my sand looks like it changing colors...what is this i will post a pic when i get home..i just hope it doesnt hurt my tank...my sand started an almost white color that i got from ***** and it was like that for a good few weeks....and maybe a couple of weeks after the introduction of live rock....
New tanks go through all kinds of changes. Right now just concern yourself with ammonia and nitrites for the cycle.


New Member
i read on some other forum that is diatom...but i dont know if its bad or what and when it will go away or if i need to do something about it.and i havnt even put anythin in the tan to start the cycle.....unless the die off on my live rock started it and i didnt even realize it....


It is diatoms and completely normal to a new tank. It will slowly go away on its own as your tank settles. Not harmful. As your tank matures, you'll see it less, but anytime you do something new to the tank, like change lights or equipment you might get a little bloom of it again for a few weeks. I've been tinkering with my tank for awhile, so I almost always have diatoms to some degree in my tank.


New Member
so how long does it usually stay around for? will it hurt if i go ahead and add my dry rock to the tank? so can i go ahead and start the cycle in my tank? im really ancious to add some fish................ but i know this stuff takes time and patience. so i want to do it right. ive had my live rock in there for about 2 weeks and i should be recieving my dry rock soon. thanks for all your help


It depends, I can't give any a definite time span on how long it will last.
Yes, I'd add all the rock now.


New Member
ok thanks alot....will it hurt if i stir the sand up when i go to add the rest of the rock?