What is this thing on my LR?


I am very new to all this, and my first attempt was an awful experience, but I have learned a great deal from reading ALOT on this forum, as well as others. To make a long story short...I have temporarily rehoused my 3 little clowns, and am about to completely change out my tank. I am going from cc to sand, adding a bunch more LR, and not going to put the fish back in until I KNOW it is ok.
Just as I was getting ready to start draining, I noticed this "worm looking thing" growing out of a piece of the LR that is currently in my tank. My water conditions are horrid, (which is the main reason I am starting over), so I can't see how anything could live in it or would want to come out now...but what is it? It is about 1 1/2 to 2 inches long, a little thiner than a pencil on the bottom half, and skinnier on the top half, kinda grayish in color. it just kind of sways with the water current. It just "showed up" a couple of days ago. I'd add a pic, but I don't know how to do that yet.
Any guesses on what it is?
CC in TX


Active Member
how long have you had this LR? You dont have to restart your whole tank, but thats your choice.
Its probably a hitchhiker or some sort. I dont know much about those things but your should check out some stuff on here about hitchhikers.Most of the threads will have pics.


is it 'spiky' in appearance..? if so, then it may be a bristle worm (bad). if it turns out to be detrimental you may have to sun bleach your rock and re-cure it.