What is this tiny star on my glass?


I have a really really tiny star on the glas of my tank. I have to assume it is a hitchhiker. I would like to know if anyone can guess what it may be. It is white and very tiny, and it is like 1/4 the size of your pinckie nail or smaller. I wish I has a digital camera so I can post a pic.


New Member
Hey JavaTech..
The tank at my job has a few of these lil dudes...what kind are they and do you have more info on them?
Inquiring minds wanna know :rolleyes:


I don't know anything about it the lfs said they are no good but who knows when ever i find one in my main tank i put it in my refum. i know they have seven lags and that they are not the same size so far they have not hurt anything if they do they will get a ride down the drain


Looks like the little guys that are known coral munchers...
I have no idea what the politics are involved anymore on this board as far as posting links... I guess your not supposed to.
So is it cool to say check out Garf's site (if you can find it) as long as I don't post a link to it?


Active Member
that one looks like a micro star, we have them and bought them, bc they are detrivores
as for the originating question
a better description would help
color, do the legs have shape, or are they more like brittle star legs?


Active Member
I can't believe all the unwarranted hoopla that GARF article has stirred up.
This guy is an Asterina star. There are a bunch of species that end up in our tanks, but many, if not most, eat algal and bacterial films, detritus, etc. This is why most people have them cruising on the glass and rocks, and not on their corals. They reproduce by fission, or splitting, which is why they have uneven arms.
I have these reproducing in both my nano tanks, and have no SPS corals.
Seastars are not stupid animals, wandering around aimlessly until they happen upon a coral.
Now, some are problems, no doubt about it. You need to keep an eye out for them. But I believe unwarranted hype over these has caused people to do more damage by taking the tank apart trying to remove them when this may be completely unnecessary. Indeed, they might be doing good stuff in the tank. I reckon most people have the absolutely harmless type. They bloom and vanish, like many other animals.
So. Keep an eye on them. If they eat your coral, remove them. If not, don't worry about it. If they are, find someone with some harlequin shrimp so they can atleast be more useful than in the sewer system.


I have found three so far cruzing around. they don't go far, maybe its because they biggest only has two legs...... they seem beneficial........ I HOPE !


hey ophiura..... I'm in Houston on business for a couple of days and wanted to know of some good LFS. I probably won't be purchasing anything but sure would like a field trip to get through the evenings........thx for any help


thanks C_Bell. heading over there later tomorrow. Is that the new place that has the hugh shark tank inside.
Whats the scoop on the Aquarium attaction on 45 north of downtown. Has anyone been ?


Active Member
Did you ask this same question a few months back? I remember someone did, and then I couldn't figure out what thread it was in. Me bad. Sorry.
I highly recommend Aquarium World, as I used to work there :D ;) Not as great as when I was there, ha ha, IMHO, but still worth a visit without a doubt. 40,000g display, 3,000g salt pond 'humane society', etc.
Never been to Aquarium attraction. Don't know.
There is a string of stores, going down...gosh darnit...Bellaire?? Starting with Fish Ranch at 59 (has some lovely melting stars when I was last in, also often stocks black tip reef sharks :rolleyes: :( )...then Global Fish and Pet a bit further next to a Fiesta grocery store...then further down to another one in the corner of a strip mall with an oriental grocery store (My Hoa? center)....then to T and T pets on Highway 6....then coming north on 6 to Westheimer and Fish Land (in the wind chimes center). I like Fish Land- not a big store, but the livestock is well taken care of. FYI, the Indian buffet restaurant there is pretty good! There is a mystery Fish R Fun or something in a strip mall nearby there too. Went there once early on but never since. There is also one on beltway 8 between 10 and 290...Aquatic Designs?, and they have unusual hours if I recall.
Village Tropical is fabulous for freshwater and planted tanks.
There is another...Aquatic World? On Jones road just north of 290.
Aquarium Design Group is a terrific place...galleria area on Alabama I think. They are a maint. company, but they have a gallery that should be open to the public- at least I walked through. SPECTACULAR. Write me at ophiuroid@att.net if you want the link to them.
Anyway, phone book should have lots of listings and perhaps better directions. Enjoy!


Garf Smarf? Well ophiura I'm glad you found that amusing I guess... I was just pointing someone in a direction for more info.
You don't have SPS corals? I do.... and I was having some major problems with them.... pretty much exactly as Garf described. I asked on a couple of other boards and normally got back responses about RTN and bleaching... BOTH of which do not look like your coral has been munched on... further discussion led to it might be my Peppermint... took him out, did not help. Many frags later (whew, mostly were free from friends or I would have been suicidal) and still having this problem of corals literally being eaten overnight... I was directed to the Garf site. WOW! There was pictures and info on these little starfish that I had been seeing on the glass of my tank for the last couple of months... I just thought they were cool! I had know idea they were dining on my corals... well I pulled out 6 of them in two days, a week later 4 more and then a couple more after that. I haven't seen anymore since that battle and I also have not lost a single frag since.
If you have some aversion to Garf... all you have to do is punch the species name you gave .... Asterina.... into a Google search and you'll get plenty of NON-Garf tainted info on them.



Originally posted by LeBoeuf
Whats the scoop on the Aquarium attaction on 45 north of downtown. Has anyone been ?

I think you are refering to The Aquarium Restaurant, it's located just off of 45 on the north side of downtown. This is the second one in town, first being down on the Kemah Boardwalk. Do a search online and you can find out info on it.
Sorry for getting off topic.. please excuse me.


Active Member
I do not deny, and never have, that there are problematic species, or individuals, of this Asterina star. I encourage people to keep a close eye on them. But I challenge anyone to identify what species of Asterina is involved from a mere picture, and which eats algae or corals, or even possibly when. Color and size are generally irrelevant characteristics to seastar taxonomists, especially when dealing with species that reproduce by splitting.
I can assure you that none of this (from GARF site):
You will often notice this small starfish on the glass just above the sand. This predatory starfish can be distinguished because it often has two or four shorter legs. During the last year we have been noticing a new starfish in our reef aquariums and it seemed to be dividing. Several people noticed this type of starfish in their aquariums and they have wondered if they were harmful. Well the small, flat, large body starfish are definitely harmful to SPS corals.
Does anything other than cause needless and unwarranted hype.
I will send the photo on GARFs site to a seastar expert, and see if he can give me a definitive species and what it eats. Perhaps will do the same with the photo above. The one on GARFs site is different than the one above (and other people have reported this difference too); however, GARF states that all of these small stars will eat corals.
The only thing you can do is watch them. If you have a problem, by all means remove them. But they are not all problems, and they do not all warrant removal. I have had the same experience that many reefkeepers (including those with SPS corals) have had.
However, I am expressly opposed to the generalization that all of these stars are coral eaters. They are not. And I find it alarming that various sites propose the removal of any animal when there is no evidence for harm. I do not believe in hype. I do not believe it helps a tank to work people into an unwarranted frenzy of removing them. I do not believe in encouraging people to buy things like harlequin shrimp to remove something that may be doing no harm.
These are not animals that are randomly wandering over the glass until they accidentally run into a coral. MOST people have those that eat algal and bacterial films. The one's I have are reproducing nicely, without any SPS corals around.
Now there are those that would propose they are opportunistic, and will eat what is available to them. Perhaps they are just really really hungry. There are those who would propose that they can smell unhealthy corals, and will be drawn to them, like flies to a kill (and my brittlestars to the dead snail in the tank now) perhaps long before we recognize them as ill. There are alot of proposals about what they are doing, and how varied their diet is.
I am well aware of the comments on Asterina sp
stars. I can post an equal number of threads from people who haven't seen them harm a thing.
And, IMO, GARF SHMARF. I think Dr. Ron Shimek said it best:
Frankly, I take everything I read on the GARF web site with a grain of salt about 3m on a side
You gave an idea for further research, and I gave my opinion of their information. I am entitled to hold that, just as you hold a counterpoint.
I am sorry if you took my post personally. It was not directed at you, but at the GARF site. I have no arguments with your reasons for removing them in your tank, or with anyone who believes they are cuasing problems. But I believe, had mmync gone to the GARF site, that there was a need for a very clear counterpoint. Equal and opposite.