What is this?


New Member
It's like a giant ameba type thing i found today. It's really cool! At first I thoguth it was eggs from my clown pair but it's probly too early for them.


Clown eggs almost look like beautiful pink polyps at first. Then they turn purple, then gray, then little silver eyes are distinguishable and they hatch.. Amoeba like matter? Is it mobile? Any pics?


New Member
yea it moves. It looks like a ray minus the eyes,mouth, and stinging tail. ill see if i can get the link to turn into a pic.


Active Member
just make it under 500 wide. Also, I beleive it doesn't like spaces in the file name.


Must be a shelless snail, or maybe even a nudibranch! Any color to it? Watch what it likes to eat,carefully. Things may look really cool but can be a disaster or, it might not be. I did have a large shelless snail that used to move up the glass but it would eventually take the shape of an ovoid, or oval, with a tail the same semi opaque color. Must say I love getting unidentifiable critters coming out of rock, however it rarely happens to me! Also had a chiton in the beginning, but haven't seen it in ages. That really is disappointing. Such a primordal looking critter. :eek: