What is this


New Member
I thought that this was just something fossilized on my lr, but then it started to grow. I need to know if it is good, bad, or who knows. I hope these pictures are actually going to upload. In the first few pics there is the bumpy honeycombed looking white stuff. The last couple pictures has the ridgid looking white thing. I didn't know if it was maybe a mushroom. Last pic is my tank in progress. Not alot of color yet. I wanted everything to be set up longer before getting more. The is a bta that decided to hang out in a perfectly terrible place. Good news is my clown finally took to it today. Now they are best friends.



urhhhh....gross! get a stick and try to remove them and see if they come off, if they do, then those are some sorta eggs.


Active Member
I have no clue what they are, but your rockwork looks great. Are you using anything to hold them in place, or did they just form that way?