What is this?


Hello everyone,
New hobbyist, and new poster.
I have a 35gal red sea max, I have had it for about 3 weeks, currently just have some coral (see photo) a few cleaner crew, and no fish, anyway I noticed some white worm like creatures on my mushrooms and was wondering if this is ich.
Any help would be appriciated.


no its not ich. my shrooms do this sometimes.

someone else will know what is is...
not ich though.


What does ich look like?
My take is new and I know I'm supposed to let the water cycle before adding anything, at first my salinity was through the roof, I did a 25% water change and now I'm good, Nitrite good, Nitrate good, Ph good, amonia is all good.
I am going to change out another 25% water, and then do water changes weekly after that before adding fish, any other suggestions before adding fish?


nice better pic
it actually might be new mushroom developing off of it but dont take my word for it best to watch it or research that mushroom and find out about what can grow on it


Active Member
its the digestive stuff inside of them, not sure why sometimes they come out but they do, if you frag a mushroom that stuff is all inside of them, its nothing to be alarmed about the shroom looks fine other than just showing his insides


Active Member
its the mushrooms insides did something fall on it like a hermit crab. anthow being a new tank might be affecting it