what is this


I'm getting these little white tubes, about the size of a match stick, and a little fan comes out of them. Like a mini feather duster. are these ok? I have about ten on my live rock.


Active Member
That's kind of what they are,tube worms, filter feeders, good to have, not to worry. There probably will be a lot more in the future.


Active Member
Originally Posted by blenny1
I'm getting these little white tubes, about the size of a match stick, and a little fan comes out of them. Like a mini feather duster. are these ok? I have about ten on my live rock.
You hit the nail right on the head!


Active Member
Originally Posted by blenny1
thats good news, I'm new to this so sometimes I worry about little things. Thanks
Its good to worry. If your unsure please let us know it could be disasturous.