What is this???


Active Member
So what is happening to this brain coral? Not mine so no levels of anything just saw it at a store!


Active Member
Not a single person on here knows what is happening here? Come on I know someone does.


Active Member
Looks like that brain is about to hemorrhage. Probably not the best candidate for your next addition

But honestly, it might have an infection of some kind? Or maybe dying?


I've seen my hammer coral do this as well. I've looked for info with no luck


Active Member
Its called polyp bailout. And is usually a stress induced reproductive strategy and weakly successful in aquaria in the long term (the donor will likely die in time if not rescued). Causes could be, light shock, allelopathy from accumulating noxious elements in the water, etc. It can occur as a natural reproductive strategy however. Tough to tell with out tank specifics and chemistry.


Active Member
Hmmmm. It was at the Key West Aquarium. They were not that impressive however as a whole. They had mis-labeled about 1/4 of their stock. Even had Red Mushrooms labeled as spotted anemone. stupid.