What is this??


New Member
I am not sure but i have some redish looking bubbles thing growing on my live rock does anyone have any idea what it might be?? i hope it is ok and safe for the tank?
Also in my last picture i have redish purple stuff growing on my sand does anyone know what to do about it or might have any idea what it is or why it will not go away? I have done water changes and it doesn't seem to help i even reduced the light being on to 4-6 hours a day and it is still there



Bubble algae will spread very fast and become a huge nuisance and eye sore if it is not taken care of.
I had a huge outbreak of it and added about five emerald crabs in my 90 gallon. They took care of it very quickly and efficiently. I've also heard that fox face rabbit fish eat it also.


Active Member
be careful not to pop them! or it will spread , I usually take the rock out of the water ,even if its on the bottom! just to be safe. Then I use a flat head driver to scrape it off , then rinse the area with some tank water. Better safe then sorry. Good luck