The only thing I can remotely identify is the shell of what I am guessing is a snail. You got some orange, green, purple, bubbly, and all sorts of other stuff that is foreign to me...which unidentified object are we spying on...
Originally Posted by DeMartini http:///forum/post/2829000
lol sorry, it's the orange cabbage looking thing in the middle
Ahh yes, well, "orange cabbage lookin' thingy" (you forgot the "Y") is the scientific name, but is less formally known as "orange funk".
For all intents and purposes it is a formidable crowd pleaser that will give you many years of joy. If you don't like are encouraged to mail it to me in a (incoming trade jargon) "ziplock baggy".
Way out of my league...
haha it's one hot ultra rare orange cabbage lookin' thingy. You too can amaze your friends with this amazingly beautiful thingy for 3 low payments of $499.99
Originally Posted by DeMartini http:///forum/post/2829052
haha it's one hot ultra rare orange cabbage lookin' thingy. You too can amaze your friends with this amazingly beautiful thingy for 3 low payments of $499.99
I'll even throw in the "ziplock baggy"
SOOOWEEEE--sold to the middleaged, overweight, bald guy in glasses who doesn't have a clue.
You know what's really funny is the one thing that I thought I had a positive ID on...the snail...well after very careful examination I realize that this indeed is a hermit...getting late, that really made me laugh.
Originally Posted by usirchchris http:///forum/post/2829298
SOOOWEEEE--sold to the middleaged, overweight, bald guy in glasses who doesn't have a clue. "baggy".....SUCKKER!!
you make me laugh!
Originally Posted by paintballer768 http:///forum/post/2829334
That orange is odd. Maybe a turnicate or odd type of sponge. You have not added LR in a long time, right?
It has been about 2 years since I've added any live rock.
I had some of it and it is algae. I am not sure of what tyoe though, but I too belive it is Glaracia. It will grow pretty quickly, but if you have a tang it should eat it. If not It looks nice anyways. Mine was a beautiful shade of red.
Originally Posted by reefreak29 http:///forum/post/2831095
looks like algae to me my guess would be some type of scroll algae
or Rhodophyte. likely a Fauchea species