What is this?



I am getting a long stringy algae that creates an air bubble so it can float straight up in the tank. It grows on any piece of rock or dead coral in the tank. The LFS I go to had a bunch in there LR tank and I must brought some home with me. They (the LFS) seem to think it is some sort of hair algae but were not sure. Any idea on what it can be? It is very ugly and I would like to get rid of it.


New Member
I can't be much help as to identifying the type of alge - but I have the exact same stuff - and you are right - it is ugly. I did find it on a sight (will try to find and forward to you) and the sight said that once the tank matures that type of algae will disappear (here's hoping!)


Thanks for the reply. The stuff I have is much stringier and breaks when touched. I cleaned it out of the tank before I had a chance to take picture.... I am sure it will be back in a couple of days and I will post the pic then.


OK. What ever it is grew enough over night in the dart to take a photo this morning. So here it is. It is brownish in color and generally ugly growing everywhere....

cap'n pete

That's cynobacteria! Common in newly cycled tanks, can go away in time by itself. I suggest getting a phosphate test kit and make sure you are ONLY using RO water. If you get a phosphate reading of more than .4 I would start using a phosphate sponge. Cynobacteria also thrive on silicates (the reason for only using RO water). HTH