What is this?


New Member
Two days ago I dropped all my fish into my Hospital tank with what I believed to be ick. The next morn my clown had different symptoms.
He has not eaten but shows interest in food, I have treated with coppersafe, malactite green, and hav reached 1.009 salinity. I am gravely concerned. He is still very territorial, but not much activity. and some occasional listleness.
I am having trouble keeping my hospital tank in good shape, ammonia 1, nitriste .1. I have done multiple water changes.
If you need more, I will reply.


Whats what? The fish or whats on him? Need a more clearer pic.


New Member
It is a clown, I thought I said that, I want to know what is on him. And the file size allowed on here won't allow for a clearer pic


haha sorry I over read that part. A clown I see now. Well its a little hard to see but IMO stick to the HYPO. You may have to do this for over a month or so if its ick. Also if its not ick (salt grain looking things) then I would try maricyn alnog with the hypo. Also how long has your hospital tank been up and running and what did you cycle it with?


New Member
Thanks for the reply,
Unfortunatly it is new, and I started it with water from my main tank.
By now though, it prob has very little of that water left.
Is ammo lock safe to use at this time?
I currently have ammochips in the fiter and have nitrasorb if I need it.


Yea using water from the main tank wont constitue as "cycled". Thats the 1 down side to a hospital tank. If you dont prior set it up and let it cycle you could run into problems. Adding an additive right now may stress him out more. Just leave the salinity at yur hypo state for a while. You might also try soaking food in garlic. It helps finiky eaters eat and helps build their immune system.


New Member
I have been doing the garlic thing for 3 days now, i will do daily water changes to keep the water in check.


Staff member
Clownfish white stripes get reddish due to extreme stress. The water conditions in your tank are very stressful for fish, and potential life-threatening. I suggest you do some carbon filtration to get rid of all those meds you put in the tank. Hypo is the appropriate treatment for ich.


New Member
Hey Beth, Thanks for responding.
I had Carbon in untill thismorning, and I am sure there is not much of anything left. I will put t back in though.
There is a "white crust " on his back is that Ick? or fungus.
He had Ick little white specks when I put him in, now it is a "crust"


I just had something simular with my clown. I got a good photo of it, Does your spot look anything like this?


New Member
That does look like it, like salt deposits.
It seems to be flaking off I am not sure though. It appears to be getting a little better.
My camera crapped out on me or I would have gotten a better picture.
What did you determine it was?