what is wrong with frogspawn??


Active Member
I have a friend who has a frogspawn and the head is falling off the branch.
The heads are not shriveled they are just falling off the hard branch. They are open and full.
this is all I know so far for water conditions.
PH 8.2
calcium 400
trate 10
I will get the rest of his information tomorrow or tonight and will post when he tells me.
Anyone ever had this happen? He also had the same thing happen to his hammer coral
55 gal w/ 170 W MH
Seaclone 150 skimmer
Doses Trace Elements once a week
He is 90% sure he uses Coralife salt mix (he pays someone to do his tank

Uses RO water for changes and Distilled for top off
anyone have this happen or know why this may happen?


Active Member
When I got my hammer one of the heads just fell apart. I believe it got damaged during the shipping. :notsure: :notsure:


Active Member
It could be a combination of things. If it wasn't done during shipping, then fish or inverts are probably to blame. I had a torch coral which was damaged by an over-zelous percula and never did recover. I've never seen a torn head reattach itself, but I could be wrong....not worth taking the risk and contaminating the tank, though, if it's going to die.


Active Member
Its called polyp bailout. Many corals can do this if unhappy where they are. Hopeing the currents will carry them to a happier place were they can reattach and grow. Dont often find that happier place in a tank.
Normally from light shock or poor water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Its called polyp bailout. Many corals can do this if unhappy where they are. Hopeing the currents will carry them to a happier place were they can reattach and grow. Dont often find that happier place in a tank.
Normally from light shock or poor water.
Well he has MH and he said it is high, so maybe that is it. He said he will move it down low tonight. Let's hope that is it.
Thanks for the insight.


Originally Posted by milomlo
Well he has MH and he said it is high, so maybe that is it. He said he will move it down low tonight. Let's hope that is it.
Thanks for the insight.

I keep my frogspawn near the top of the tank. And it is doing fine, but I did notice that is the water quality is low, they dont like it. Also make sure your friend is feeding it and that its not getting direct current.


Thanks lbaskball, I have a new frogspawn that the lfs said to keep on current and i have one branch that the tenticles have retracted for a few days . Is that the same situation? just moved my pump off of the frogspwan, hopefully that will work.
this forum is great!!!


Originally Posted by lbaskball
I keep my frogspawn near the top of the tank. And it is doing fine, but I did notice that is the water quality is low, they dont like it. Also make sure your friend is feeding it and that its not getting direct current.
I just got a pice of frogspawn from a friend. It looks great and is doing good. I only have had it 2 days now and it opened up right away and seems real healthy. I saw that you said to make sure you feed it? What and how is the best thing to feed it? I feed my tank frozen brine shrimp and life line. Is thatenough for him or do I need to spot feed him?


Originally Posted by jsofield
I just got a pice of frogspawn from a friend. It looks great and is doing good. I only have had it 2 days now and it opened up right away and seems real healthy. I saw that you said to make sure you feed it? What and how is the best thing to feed it? I feed my tank frozen brine shrimp and life line. Is thatenough for him or do I need to spot feed him?

I feed my brine shrimp, i put it on its tentacles and it grabs on to it and eats it..i also use this stuff...its like a little pellet and it dissolves in the water into small pieces, basically its zooplankton...2 forms of zooplankton put together with some additives to bring coloration and all the essential vitmins. I cant remember what its called..i do that once a week and I feed the frogspawn once a week with brine shrimp. They grow fast with good MH lights.


Originally Posted by victoria
Thanks lbaskball, I have a new frogspawn that the lfs said to keep on current and i have one branch that the tenticles have retracted for a few days . Is that the same situation? just moved my pump off of the frogspwan, hopefully that will work.
this forum is great!!!
Yeah make sure its not getting direct flow, but moderate flow. If the flow is too much it will not open as much, and if the flow is too little it wont open either. Also, make sure your doing your water changes on time otherwise it might open less as mine did when I didnt do my water changes to keep the water quality high. Lastly, making sure your feeding it once a week or something. If you want to see what my frogspawn looks like, go check out my thread, thers lots of pictures. :)


Active Member
Just a heads up, those coral additivies are really high in nutrients meaning they decay with lots of stuff into the water colomn. Make sure you are running a skimmer to help pull out what the corals don't eat or do a lot of water changes. I only put cyclop ez in every other week or so, and a pinch at that because I run skimmerless and the stuff wrecks havoc to the levels if I'm not careful.
You might also want to use a turkey baster to spot feed instead of putting it in the tank and hoping the hammer filters it out. Do the feeders come out at night or are the hammer shaped things that come out during the day their feeders? I have one comming and not sure. Thanks.


Originally Posted by Pyro
Just a heads up, those coral additivies are really high in nutrients meaning they decay with lots of stuff into the water colomn. Make sure you are running a skimmer to help pull out what the corals don't eat or do a lot of water changes. I only put cyclop ez in every other week or so, and a pinch at that because I run skimmerless and the stuff wrecks havoc to the levels if I'm not careful.
You might also want to use a turkey baster to spot feed instead of putting it in the tank and hoping the hammer filters it out. Do the feeders come out at night or are the hammer shaped things that come out during the day their feeders? I have one comming and not sure. Thanks.

Thanks for the advice. I dont have a skimmer actually. Thats why I only feed this stuff once a week. And they dont stay on top of the water..i wait until it drops..then i turn on my powerhead, plus the nano internal filter..and then my external filter which pretty much cleans whatever is not used up. The clowns eat this stuff too.
I feed the hammers and anything else during the day..except for my sun coral when I feed at night.


Thanks for the info. Since I have had him he opens daily and closes at night(just like he should..LOL) I have fed my tank live brine shrimp not sure if he got any or not but I have noticed the stray or feeder tenacles have gone in and he looks alot better than when I first got it. i am trying to get a pic to post. lights are off now and he is closed. So maybe tomorrow. I am also feeding my corals a frozen food called coral food mix. I feed it about 2-3 times a week. You mentioned water changes I have a 55gal tank and I do a 10 gal water change about every 7-10 days. Is that sufficent?Nitrates havealways ran 10 -20 and I cant seem to get them down even after adding a 20 gal refugium. Any suggestions on lowering them would be great. Thanks