What is wrong with my anemone? Help asap


New Member
He used to be a plump anemone with large tentacles and hes shrunk to half his size and looks like hes mutating?



Well-Known Member

Welcome to the site!

How long have you had it...anemones release all their water and look like they are dying, but it is perfectly fine. Anemones release strings of goo as they die, or slowly shrink to nothingness and disappear over weeks... I don't see that. Completely releasing water from itself is how it purges (poops) and then it re-inflates


New Member
I have had it for 3-4 months and it had never pooped like this. Its been in this state for about 4 days


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jalbo http:///t/396941/what-is-wrong-with-my-anemone-help-asap#post_3536795
I have had it for 3-4 months and it had never pooped like this. Its been in this state for about 4 days


That doesn't sound right...I guess the others are correct. It's dying. The whole process usually takes one day at the most. LOL...if it hasn't pooped in 3 to 4 months, I would die too. Nonetheless, if it isn't spewing goo and polluting the tank, I wouldn't bother it...I have seen some very weird stuff in SW critters, it might pull through yet.