What is wrong with my BUBBLE TIP!!!


So last night I fed him a piece of tilapia. The thing hasnt done much more then this all day. However he is still VERY attached to the rock of where he is at. Any ideas? Tilapia have to much iodine or something? Below is a pick of my Squamosa 2 weeks in. My Derasa is doing fine after 6 weeks of being under PC's and the Squamosa is doing even better.


Active Member
Try posting this in the clownfish/anemone board. Thomas or BangGuy are the resident enamone experts there and they could give you a better idea.


read the original post. Any light that supports even the lower end spectrum clams, is going to be more then enough to even host a Rose Bubble Tip



Active Member
i dont agree , aperently u dont have mhs good luck oh ok u have pcs , thats what mine looked like under pc then i got mh then BAM



You dont need luck. You just have to know how to keep your water quality perfect. Including all elements. I have a friend that has had a 80 dollar Rose Bubble Tip under 92 watts of T (whatever) lighting on a 75 gallon tank for over 3 years now. Guess for some people MH's is the answer - water changes and constant monitoring is a hassle.


Active Member
t5 lighting is great but not pcs for an anenome and your clams might be ok now but they need at least vhos to survice more then 4 months


Active Member
by the way my waters perfect as well i work at a lab for water purification plant and have equipment to test my water that cost more then your car


Amazing!!! A water purification plant (where my craps go) has water testing for sea water levels? I am not being sarcastic. I am EXTREMELY interested. I find it AMAZING that you have the ability to test your water there.
Don't get me wrong, I am in no way saying what you are saying is false. The mentally challenged kid at the local supermarket filters and tests the water there. IE. Any idiot can filter and remove nitrates, phosphates, and silicates. That is all the easy stuff. I am talking about keeping your boron, lithium, copper, etc....ionic resins at a perfect level. Which, there is not a water treatment plant in the US that does tests or does that for natural sea water.
Also the spectrum output from VHO, T's and PC's is relatively the same. Some people are ignorant to the fact that most of the T and VHO companies use higher end reflectors. Which is the only biological difference. My output is exactly the same as the other two because of my upgraded reflector. People tend to hide information like that in things called books though.


PS: Most likely ALL of EVERY part of your testing equiptment cost more then my car(s). I have a friend that does engineering for Denver that says that some of the probes on the 20 some odd pieces of testing equiptment cost in the 100 thousand dollar range. Chances are a single wire inside of one of the probes is worth more then all three of my cars combined.
1958 Corvette (no where near done)
2005 Toyota 4-Runner
2005 Nissan 350Z


Active Member
we test for 100s of metals with aa flame testing , i have a degree in biology and chemistry and if u think the outputs are the same as vhos and t5 u are a fooling yourself and u will fail in this hobby


Active Member
OK, back to the question, I doubt it was the fish but could be. How long have you had the anemone?T. squamosa and T. deresa are not as light hungry as a T. crocea or most SPS and most hosting anemones. And six weeks is not long enough to claim success with any animal. Could be your lights. Dont care what your freind has. Im conserned and want to help YOU. What are your lights and tank size.


You werent trying to help. LOL. You showed me pictures of a seahorse (WOW!!) and a anemone that the color is beginning to drain out of. 6 weeks is also a VERY long time for a clam to withstand water conditions in the event that it was or ever will be unhappy. Once again, confined information in books. Derasas and Squamosas could most likely survive under flour' tubes. They are the least light requesting of the clams.
As for me. My tank parameters are perfect. I have 265 watts of PC light on a 55 gallon tank. I leave the light on for 13-14 hours per day. A BT should be having no problem. Then again I purchased the thing half dead about a week ago and now it is fully attached to the rock.
PS: This BT doesnt like a lot of light. Hates it actually. When i try to put him higher up, he always moves back to the exact same space and then balloons within 2-3 hours.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
dont bother i was trying to help but didnt get anywhere

I agree. It's kind of hard to help those that don't want to accept your help.


Active Member
well good luck to u u obviously know what your doing i dont even know why u posted as for my anenome its 1.5 years old and the camera dosnt give it enough credit as far as color also i have 10000k mh not 20 which brings more color out but ty for the comment i am now leaving this thread gl 2 u and yout infinite wisdom