What is wrong with my salinity?


I added some Live Rock and a few chunks of deadrock about 2 days ago. I added about 50 lbs of live sand about 4 days ago. It has been about 6 days since I measured my salinity and it was just below 1.023, I just measured it and now it is just above 1.023.
Can someone tell me why that just happened, I did not add any salt to the aquarium and I was wondering if I need to take more water out to lower the salinity.
Also when I take out water to lower salinity I can just add dechlorinated tap water to replace the water I just took out.


Active Member
salinity is fine, one thiing that may be contributing is normal evaporation, water will evaporate, sand will not, another thing is your salinity will seem to vary with temp(your test results may vary depending on how you test), just a little, however, don't panic 1.023 is not bad that is good, I keep mine between 1.024 and 1.025, used to be 1.023+/- less than .001, and NEVER had problems there