What is wrong with this mandarin?


I've had this fish for about 2 yrs. I thought that he was just getting fat on all of the amphipods. (I hooked up a refugium to this tank and I have a lot of them.) He moves about the tank like normal but his eyes look funny, like there is extra flesh and his head is a lot bigger. His color seems good and no sign of fin rot. I'm afraid that it might be some sort of internal growth that can not be cured. I need some more opinions. Does he look normal to you?


Right now I have formula 1 and 2, Pro Green Plus, Seaweed selects and mysis shrimp. I also have a flake food that I use about once a week. The light area behind the eye looks like flesh to me. Almost like it is swollen in that area yet the eyes seem fine.


Thank you for your response. As I stated before I have had this mandarin for almost 2 yrs and my tank is about 3 yrs old. This is a very dramatic change for this fish. I have never tried to target feed because it seemed to be doing alright on its own. If anything, it should have more pods than ever before. I don't know anything about HLLE but I will do some research. Thanks again.