what is wrong with this zoo


Some have died off and now some of them are brown like they are about to die off. We have T5's. We moved them to the top and they got worse.. so I have moved them to the bottom... can you please let me know we're doing wrong and how to fix it???


Active Member
pic is kinda blurry. they just look closed up to me. i would do a freshwater or iodine dip. you may have zoa spiders.


We have dipped them 2x this week. We have 1 T-5 in the 115 g tank. How much does the temp effect zoos and corals?


+1 on the dip.
I had a colony that wasn't looking very good for a few weeks. I'd moved them around, up and down, more and less flow, and finally put them in my QT, thinking I'd watch them die. I never did identify any parasite, or specific cause, but I decided that a dip couldn't hurt. Into a bucket of RO water they went. I left them in for 15 minutes, shaking them around every 5, and then stuck them back in my DT in their original spot. After a few days, I could tell they were getting better; and, now they look great!


Originally Posted by new2salt3
We have dipped them 2x this week. We have 1 T-5 in the 115 g tank. How much does the temp effect zoos and corals?
Whoa! You've already dipped them twice this week? Patience, people, give 'em some time! Only bad things happen fast in this hobby. If you want good things to happen, take your time!


We have put them back down low and we are going to leave them alone for a week and see what we get. Again, how much can temp effect things?


Active Member
a lot, if its a big fluctuation. why? sometimes a schiesty heater can royally eff things up.


Originally Posted by new2salt3
Again, how much can temp effect things?
Sorry, I had do go outside for a while to shovel snow! (Nothing like a nice February blizzard.
What's your temp issue? Like alix2.0 said, a bad heater can cause problems: but, I'm wondering if you're talking about your lighting heating up your water, or the temp of your dip water. T5's shouldn't cause that much of an issue, and the temp of the dip should have been as close as you could make it. Zoas are pretty hardy, and generally do fine between 76 and 82 degrees.


I had this same problem. It was caused by diatoms, most definitely. To get rid of these you should try to pry away at the dead and dying ones with a gloved hand, then giving then a rinse in tank-temperature fresh water. Then I raised my specific gravity to 1.024-1.025. This had a major effect. By the time I did this, more than half the colony was infected. Now, two months later, my RDE are all better!