What is your 12 gallon stocklist?


Active Member
My parents are not going to let me upgrade. After talking them for a while they are letting me get a 12 gallon aquapod for my desk or I will build my own stand for my room. My 29 right now is in my room. It does get pretty warm in the tank and my room so we are moving it to the basement where it is cooler. Anyways I would like to know what is possible in a 12 gallon.
Thanks everyone at Saltwaterfish,


Active Member
either of those 3 or all three? they should have let you upgrade to a 55 at least. that wouldn't have been that expensive. or, you could just go to www.craigslist.org and search for people in your area to see if people are selling their tanks for cheap. i always see great deals in cities near me
look into how long the goby gets to. i have a yellow watchman in my 28 and hes the biggest one in there. i think hes like 4 inches. it's something similar to what i was going to add to a 10.. either a pair of black ocelllaris with a yellow clown goby, or royal gramma with some type of goby.


Active Member
All I have in my 12G is two baby black and white clowns and a small clean up crew. I think I may add a fire shrimp, later.
and some corals of course (mushrooms, leathers, sponges etcetera)


Active Member
Thanks reef. I just talked with my mom and she said we will see (prolly no), we just got rid of a 70 because my parents didnt like to see it sit there. I begged and begged to use it. I think they dont want me to go bigger....