what is your choice


Active Member
In my 1 gal pico I would like to add a small frag of buttons or ricordia. Which would you choose??
I can get a single ric but don't know about the buttons as this guy is waiting for them to come in.
The rics he has are green, orange and blue and pink. Which is the best color if I went with rics to have??


Active Member
you could do either or with that light :)
Orange ricordeas tend to be the most expensive, but in my opinion are they best looking.
Ask Flricordia - he has some Awesome rics!


Active Member
Hi, I did ask him and he said the color is a matter of preference. Do rics get quite large??
I can get a single ric for a local place here for this little tank, they are very dear in price usually. This place sells them for $14.00 CDN which is very cheap compared to another place has a rock with 2 on it for 89.00CDN
The cheaper place has green, orange, blue/pink
Just waiting till tomorrow to see if they get any buttons in, but I sure do love the rics if they are nice ones. With this light I have will the colors look good??
Sorry for all the questions....


Active Member
The colors may vary, just depends, but I'm sure they will still look good

Orange tends to be more expensive than blue or green.
I have a ric not that is about 3"