My Favorite Restaurant in
Hawaii --- Graces, Sam Choy's, Yanagi's
Texas -- Hanaki's, Tia's (mexican),
Kentucky -- applebee's (LOL) Lots and Lots of Chain Restaurants in Lexington!!!
Longhorns - Stampede!!!
North Carolina -- Luigi's
PA: Aldar Bistro, Cosi, Olive garden (I know, I know, eeeek city), The Felafel Stand On 8th Street, and Vinny T's
NJ: Paneras, Houlihans and that awesome little Mexican place in New Brunswick.
NY: Ummm.....where do I begin?
Madison, NJ - el Mondo Vechioco's
New Bedford, MA - Candelworks
Fairhaven, MA - Hustelston House
Pittsburgh, PA - Parmenti Brothers (technically a small scary deli - but great food none the less)