What I've been working on....


Active Member
I used to post a lot of stuff in this forum..but then I had the problems with my, hand, knee, marriage etc....well I fixed the marriage problem mostly, but my knee and hand are still messed up....but I've been slowly working on my newest project, bringing back my 90g, the way I wanted it the first time around. The tank has been cycling for about two months, but I am going to wait another month before I add anything besides a clean up crew, and LR. Here is the old pic as a FOWLR


Active Member
This is where the water is returning via a mag 12..not a true spray bar..more of a dual return. If you notice I got a little sloppy with the pvc cement, so I might redo it. I did not want a true spay bar, because I am still going to have one oscillating powerhead, and a 2g surge system.


Active Member
Heres the fuge, it has a little macro growing in it, and I don't know how it got there...maybe from the miracle mud, it was in another one of my refugiums. I built this before the problem with my hand.


Active Member
This is all the Ausies realy use for sand..aragonite is way out of the question for them apparently(price is crazy down under)..so they almost always use crushed marble..I stumbled upon it, and it cost $4 a bag so I figured..why not. I will post some pictures later comparing grain to grain with southdown(darn near similar, southdown is a little smaller) I was worried about rough edges, but after looking at it under a micro scope at the vets office, no major difference between this and caribsea.


Active Member
looking sweet - your new stain job is awesome!! getting ready to build the stand for my 75 - I will have to get some pictures!