What janitors????? 150 gallon


i would wait till your tank is cycled if it isn't, when it is or if it is i would get lots of hermits, turbo snails, emerald crabs. if you get hermit crabs you will have to supply empty shells in your tank.


Active Member
I would go with turbos,mexican turbos and trochus snails for the glass and rocks.Nassarius and ceriths snails,2 fighting conchs and a few atlantic spotted cucumbers for the sandbed.
You should add a clean up crew slowly as you see a need for each type.I do not advise getting a large package....a clean up crew is something that I add to as I see a need.Crabs are NOT necessary...but if you do add crabs,remember that all crabs are opportunistic.Of hermits,scarlets seem to be the most peaceful...but even they can be problematic.Even when extra shells are available,they can sometimes still kill a snail for his shell.
In my reef I removed all hermits except one electric blue.In my semi-aggressive tank I do use hermits.
Shrimps like skunk cleaners can be good scavengers,and also will usually clean your fish.
Serpent stars can also be good scavengers,avoid green ones as they are predators.


cucumbers are a horrible idea. they can let off a toxin to kill the rest of whatever you have in there if they are irritated. true hermits can kill snails for it's shell but i have never had any of my snails killed because i leave a lot of extra shells along the bottom.


Active Member
Around here we all use Atlantic cucumbers....never had any problems associated with them.It's the brightly colored ones that are very toxic.


Active Member
yep promise is correct, the ones u would buy to clean your sand are not toxic unless of course you wanted to perform invasive surgery and even then i don't know that they would have enough toxin to kill anything in a 15O gal IMO