what just happened?


So i picked my fish out over a month before i took them home, my LFS put them in a qt tank that is separate from all the other tank systems, and I checked in on them from time to time before i brought them home. Just over 3 weeks ago i finally brought them home and everything was going fine(I was a little concerned my Gobie wasn't eating so i made sure to sneak food into the tank while he was out from the LR). Everything's seemed to be going extremely well, they looked great and showed absolutely no signs of being sick.
then i went away for a few days and when i came back i noticed what looked like a little bit of "Pretzel salt" on my fish, i then got called out of town again for 3 more days and when i came back the "salt" was gone but my fish looked like hell, they were pale and almost dead looking (FYI someone reliable was feeding them properly) I got some medicine to treat the ich and treated it yesterday. This morning i awoke to find that my Gobie had not made it thru the night and when my clown emerged from the LR he looked so bad the current from one of my pumps literally swept him across the tank to the floor and he never got back up.
So that's my sad story and im a little confused how can 2 fish seem so very healthy and never show signs of ich and then one day they have it and the next they are gone...any ideas on what the heck happened...im stumped.
Also what's the proper way to dispose of fish...i dug a hole in my flower garden and buried them...or should i just have flushed them?


Staff member
LFS can not take on the responsibility of QTing your fish for you. This requires not only a separate tank but also deadicated nets, equiptment etc. that don't go in other tanks--or haven't been in other tanks.
You have got to learn to QT your marine animals and learn to treat themselves. No getting around that, I'm afraid.


I agree unfortunatly i just dont have time (or space) to set up a whole qt tank, so for a fee my lfs does it all for me with new clean tanks and such that never touches other stuff.
they figured it was ich but the fish guy was sligthly stumpped at how quickly this all went down.
Thats why i was wondering if anyone else had seen anything like this.