Here's a quick run down that may help you. There is no real "best" bulb.
6500k yellow look, GREAT growth
10000k whiter look with some yellow, very good growth.
14000k+- whiter/blue look, good growth
20000k bluer look, ok growth
The 6500k bulb has a very high PAR output rating and are great when a lot of growth is wanted. They do have a very yellow look and really should be ran with actinic lighting.
IMO the 10,000k bulb with actinic lighting is a great combination of both looks and growth. Although actinic lighting is not necessary with the 10000k, most use them to even out the yellow look.
The 14000k and other mid range bulbs have became really popular because they give a good look without the use of actinic lighting.
The 20000k most find to be "to blue" and in most cases they also have the lowest PAR output rating. Actinic lighting is typically not ran with the 20000k because it's already very blue. I'm currently running 20000k's and the only positive thing I have to say about them is they do make the corals look very nice!! My next bulb will be in the 14000k range.