What Killed My Scarlet Hermit?


In my tank I have:
4 Scarlet Hermits (Was 5)
1 Black Percula Clown
1 Panther Grouper about 1.5 inches long
1 Royal Gramma
Woke up yesterday and found the remains of one of the scarlets scattered accross the bottom. Was it my panther or were the crabs fighting? I can't even find the shell the dead crab was in.
What do you guys think killed the crab?
I plan on taking the panther back this weekend. I was misinformed by my LFS when I purchased it.


Well, normally I would blame your grouper, but since he didn't disappear, but was "scattered," it really sounds like your crabs got into a battle for a shell. Do you have lots of extra shells in your tank? If not, go and get some! You will loose many more crabs if you don't. If you do, I would say you just have an aggressive one. But then again, I cold be wrong!


I don't have any extra shells laying around. I need to get some...
The only part of the crab that was left was the red part, head and claws. The main body was completely gone.


Active Member
IT IS A MOLT! i made the same mastake. i found what looked like a dead hermit of my ONLY scarlet, then as im looking at it, he comes out draging his shell around trying to clime his rock. SOOOO it most likly is the molt, but he real COULD have died, how knows. just try to look for him. :)


This is off the subject, but you've got a panther grouper in a 55? You do realize they get too big for that tank, right?
Next time you are at your LFS see if they will give you a few extra shells (especially if you are buying something). If not, they'll probably sell you some pretty cheap.



I plan on taking the panther back this weekend. I was misinformed by my LFS when I purchased it.
Ya, I now realize he won't work in a 55


Active Member
I really dont think it was a molt other wise the body part would of been found with the rest.


New Member
I agree with RUBBERDUCK. I had the same thing happen. Red crab legs everywhere. I started with three, and still have three. Mine was definately a molt.


Active Member

Originally posted by Snipe
I really dont think it was a molt other wise the body part would of been found with the rest.

I agree it might be a molt, though without extra shells...it could be a crab.
But as far as seeing the "body" in a molt...it is so clear/mangled, IMO, it would be difficult to differentiate for most people. In most cases like this description, I would say it is a molt. But JMO.


Active Member
Dont really matter the only way you will know or not is if you see him again. If you dont then hes gone if not then of course he is alive.