What kind of algae is this....?


the bad nasty annoying kind is hair algae that is a pain in the butt to get rid of. need to get a handle on it as soon as p[ossible because it will spread and can spread rapidly and if left unchecked can take over the tank.
sorry for the bad news though
I just broke my tank down last weekend to take care of the never ending problem with it.


isn't there any critter who eats this stuff? When you take your tank down to clean the algae, aren't you also going to lose all sorts of tiny critters on your LR?


yeah I did. but i trid everything to get rid of it and it just kept getting worse. it was a point that I couldnt see the sand after 2 days of growth. I couldnt see in my tank anymore and it was choking off my corals so I took it to a drastic measure to get rid of it. most other methods work though. water changes etcc.. but as far as something eating it. its a 50/50 chance something just wont touch it and other critters of the same species will gobble it up.


Active Member
Here are my suggestions on how to get rid of hair algae,
1. Be sure you are using RO/DI water, and test it to be sure the filters are fresh.
2. If you do not have corals turn your lights completely off, (this will kill the algae).
3. Test your water for phosphates, the problem is if you have a lot of algae you may test 0 for phosphates and nitrates but it is because the algae is consuming these, when the algae naturally dies off it feeds new algae.
4. Do weekly %10 water changes, pull as much algae out as possible every day.
5. Run a phosphate sponge.
6. Be sure your bulbs are new and in the correct spectrum
7. Beef up your cleanup crew.
8. Set up a refugium with macro algae.
9. Run a protein skimmer
10. Dripping Kalk will help remove phosphates from the system
9. Once you get rid of the algae, keep Ca in the proper levels and coralline will grow and the hair algae usually doesn't grow where there is coralline.
HTH- Carla


good advice try to get a handle on it and PRAY that it will take care of it. in my case none of the above worked and its really a mess then


Thanks guys.
I tested my phosphates again this morning and they are at 0.06ppm. I was also using filtered tap water and that WILL end yesterday. I will begin doing 10-15% water changes weekly until I get phosphates back to zero with NO hair algae.
Michael, I read your frustration topic recently and I hope I don't follow your path on the hair algae.
My tank is only 6 weeks old.