this an anemone that i got on my live rock and i don't know what kind it is. also how do i take care of it ex: what to feed it, what type of salinity, how much light. i don't know a thing about anemones. thanks
Looks like a Curly Q anemone. Thats the common name but I'm not sure on the actual genus species. As with other anemones they'll need a good amount of light (mh recommended) and occasional feedings aren't a bad idea. In my experience they usually just burrow into the sand and stay there. Good luck with him. Cool hitchhiker.
Its a type of rock anemone also known as flower rock anemones or flower anemones or sexy anemones(just kidding) . Same salinity as all inverts, 24-25 will be awesome for it. These need moderate lighting as well. I believe that these rock anemones actually pack a punch if you were to touch its tentacles unlike most anemones (I could be wrong, its just something i've heard). You'd want to feed it like any other anemone as well, chopped fish/shrimp/squid/etc every 3-4-5 days or so!
curley Q anemones look much different.. and if you've seen one you'd probably name it curley q by yourself even if you didnt know that was the name for it
I had the same thing happen, LR came with cool anemone, lfs said it was flower anemone, but it is really small, the size of a button. I have never feed him, like I do my other anemone, but he is doing great!! :happy:
I used to work at a lfs and we would get quite a bit of the originally posted anemone in. I could never seem to remember the name but I do remember that they were definately not a good seller. They'd sit in the tank for months on end. Most people don't want an anemone that doesn't host clowns.
Originally Posted by Shoreliner11
I used to work at a lfs and we would get quite a bit of the originally posted anemone in. I could never seem to remember the name but I do remember that they were definately not a good seller. They'd sit in the tank for months on end. Most people don't want an anemone that doesn't host clowns.
do you remember what kind of lighting you used? wattage wise. also do you think my queen angel will attack it?, i appreciate the help from everyone