What kind of anenome?


New Member
Just wondering what kind of anenome/coral would be best for a tank with low lighting? I'm looking to upgrade but it won't be for a month or two atleast.


New Member
You should wait until you upgrade...All anemones (except the pests, aptasia) need high metal halide lighting. The lowest light requiring anemone is the bulb anemone, but you should still wait until you get halides before you get any anemone.


Active Member
you dont need halides to keep anemoneas....
BTA do pretty good in around 3W per gallon..... i have 2 RBTA's they started as 1 but split into 2 around 6 months ago and i have had them under 270watts in my 100 gallon tank for about 9 months now and are doing great and getting bigger...
so when people say you need metal hallides its just not true.... sure they will be a great thing to have and they would be good for your tanki if u want high light demanding corals... but u shjould be fine with some power compacts over your tank or VHO's whatever you choose go with the most light you can afford....
i have also been sold things that i shouldnt have .... LFS can misslead customers in order to make a $ thats just part of the trade so i also wouldm suggest researching whatever u want to buy first before buying it in order to see if what you have will accomidate that new resident....
good luck!



Originally posted by murph145
BTA do pretty good in around 3W per gallon..... i have 2 RBTA's they started as 1 but split into 2 around 6 months ago and i have had them under 270watts in my 100 gallon tank for about 9 months now and are doing great and getting bigger...

Murph - Thats amaizing, 270 watts on a 100 with RBTA's, you should talk to Beth and Kip, both had RBTA's with higher lighting and both had problems with the same type of anemone. Both of them are very experienced aquariests.
I wonder if the one you got was tank raised or not, do you happen to know?
What else about your system would contribute to your sucess? I'm very interested in your results.
Was it PC lighting or what?
Do you have pics?


Active Member
yeah i bought them like 9 months ago they are very red havent bleached at all! im not sure why mine are doing so good i think they might have been tank bread and raised because i got the original one from my LFS for $40!!!! that was half the price of anywhere else....
actually when i first got them i only had 55W over my entire tank 2 20W NO and 1 15W acitinic light.... they lived under this lighting for approximately 4 months during those four months they split into 2.... i noticed thopugh that they were always at the very top of the aquarium stuck to the glass and never really had any bulbs more elongated tentacles i think to get more light....
recently like 4 months ago i added more light PC lights they now stay lower in the aquarium the bigger one is anchored in a rock and my tomato clown hosts that one mainly... the other is attop another LR towards the top of the aquarium.... i feed them a piece of squid 2 times a week and put some filter feeder liquid in 2times a week for my other filter feeders ...
im actually getting more light next week so i will have a total of 400W of PC
my tank has been up for over 2 years i have 100lbs LR probably like 12 different fish lots of direrent inverts and a clean up crew
i have 2 fluval 404 canister bottom filter system with a protein skimmer on the back and a 5w uv filter
tank readings are
temp 78-80
ph 8.0-8.2
NI 0
NA 0
AM 0
salitnity 1.24
yeah it amazes me too because i hear so many people have problems with anemoneas.... i have had one sebae that did not live

if you have more questions please ask :joy:


Active Member
by the way ill take a pic tomorrow and post it i have to get a camera first ill borrow my friends...