what kind of anenome?


New Member
Can anyone tell me what kind of anenome this is?
I bought it from someone who said it was sold to him as GBTA...but doesn't look like it to me.
I bought it to replace the rbta my maroons were hosting in, but they won't go near it.
Any id would be appreciated.


Yes, feed the poor guy. small peices of meat every day, or every other day. Other people will disagree with me, but anemones need to eat. 1/8" to 1/4" peice of meat every day.


Active Member
It really depends on your lighting IMO. If your lighting is on the "less than adequate" side then yes it will require more frequent feedings. I have a LTA in a 55 ga. with 260w of PC's. I feed every 3 days a 1/2" piece of shelled raw shrimp.