what kind of anenome


Active Member
Bubble tip anemones are one of the hardier anemones out there. I have one that my maroon loves. However, I'm not sure if percs take to bubble tips (someone chime in here). I have seen percs take to carpet anemones. I like carpets much better than bubble tips because of the color variations, but they are much more expensive, and don't seem to be as hardy as bubble tips.


New Member
I have a tank raised maroon clown that has not been interested in anything else I have in my tank (and it is packed with host anemone subsitutes). I just got a bubble tip anemone and 'she' zoomed right in and has been the happiest little fish! She zips out to grab some food and races right back. Before she used to hang out at the top and front of the tank - pretty dull. Now she and a porcelain crab are fighting for custody of the anemone - even though there is another bubble tip available.


True Percs (and false for that matter) do not, as a rule, associate with Bubble Tip Anemones. Having said that, there are exceptions. one of my 2 true percs lives happily in my BTA and both are very healthy and happy right now. The BTA really gets on the move from the moment he goes in the tank, so be prepared for him to pick a spot you don't like. Luckily, mine took to a great spot high up in the tank. they typically will want to hide their "stalks" and only expose their tenticals. They will thus stay in a hole. Luckily, mine chose a hole that is vertical so its full set of tentacles is on display.