what kind of anenome?


what kind if any,anenome can i get for a percula clown and a clarkii clown to both go in?


i dunno, not really experienced with anenomes. get a long tentacled one, tahts for sure.


Chances are that a percula and a clark's clown in the same tank will fight to the death. Even if they do not, they will definately not pair together and share the same anemone.
Look into getting a book on anemone fishes and anemones that discusses the relationship and care of the two. Joyce Wilkerson has a good book on this that I recommend.
also do a search under anemones and my user name. I before listed a website that gives details on the animals.
Here is the website.


i had the same combo of clowns in a tank once, they would fight constantly. secondly what type of lighting do you have and how old is your tank? anemones require good lighting and great water quality, get that down first and then try to figure out which anemone.
also when i put a large carpet anemone in with the 2 different clowns the false percs got it first and then they would fight with the clarkii over it all the time. the percs always won cuz there was 2 of them.


maybe i forgot to mention these clownfish are captive bred and get along very well they swim together and sleep together, they've been together for months


The percula and clarkii get along together?
Hmmmm. I wonder if they are both males, females, its, or male/female.
I would question though, if the introduction of the anemone might incite some natural tendencies and behaviors of agression in them.
Might be worth a try I guess, as long as you can either return the anemone, one of the fish, or seperate them into different tanks if the need arises.


HETERACTIS MAGNIFICA (Magnificent Carpet Anemone)
All host both percula and clarkii in nature. The sebae are probably the easiest of the group base on what I have heard. The carpets get very large.
Although, since you have an unnatural situation, you may be able to lure them to take to a bubble tip anemone (a natural host for clarkii but not percula). Stranger things have happened.
Also, make sure you are ready for an anemone. You need to have a well established and stable tank with some experiance to sucessfully maintain an anemone. There is loads of info out there about them to keep one busy for months.


thanks alot and my tank is very well established and currently has a condii in it that is about 3 months old but i want to get rid of him....i'm thinking about just getting two different anenomies, 1 for the clarkii and 1 for the percula...thankyou so much again you have been the most helpful..should i get two anenomies?


I have seen, or heard, people successfully keep two different anemones with two species of clowns, but in a 55 gallon tank, two anemones may be a pain in the a**. If you have a fully stocked tank with coral, and either or both anemone decide to take a stroll, you are not going to be happy.
If you do, I would suggest possibly trying to get two anemones where one host clarkii but not percula (bta) and the other host percula but not clarkii (?? actually I don't think there are any naturally). That may help avoid any competition over the anemones.
You could though, try to just add a bta and see if the percula will host it, then if so, get a second bta and have one for each. BUT, sometimes bta do not get along either.
This will definately be the anemone's tank though, so make sure you are able to move coral out of the way when the anemones decide they want to move.
Let me know what you decide.


Just from recent experience.
I've had a pair of Sebae Clowns in my tank for 6 months. They would swim together and sleep together. Last month I bought a large green tip Anemone for the 2 to share. After they discovered the Anemone they shared it for the first night, I woke up and they were both sleeping it. For the next 2 days the more agressive clown took over the Anemone and kicked the other out. The tank got split in 1/2 each on one side, feeling bad I purchased a smaller purple tip Anemone which the other clown nows lives in.
The wussier of the two clowns will no longer go towards the Green Tip, the more agressive Clown will spend time in the Purple Anemone with the other clown for brief periods then just go back to his green.
They do not fight with eachother and they will occasionally swim together but once that is done they go back to their own homes.
Mebbe they aren't ready for a serious relationship and just went back to dating. ;) ;)


Don't get any anemones. Don't make them fight, you are experiencing a miracle right now. Well, not really :D, but what you have is good. Whoever said that the anemones will make both clowns more aggressive is right. Clarkii goes to pretty much all anemones. There's no way that it will stay in one and not go to the other.
Here's one possible scenario...
You get the two anemones. They are great. The clarkii immidiately goes into one, and the percula goes into the other. Clarkii gets bigger, and became more dominant in the tank (perculas are the more peaceful clownfish of all the species of clowns). It'll bully your perc. Sooner or later perc die, and you'll be sad :(.
Long story short, don't get anemones. If you desperately want to see clowns living in something, get leather corals. They're hardy, easy to keep, and clowns like them. I'm not recommending corals as hosts of clowns, but if you really2 want it. Go with that.