I got my first clam yesterday... it was a good price, so I couldn't pass on it. It is ~4-5" or so. What kind of clam is it? I was thinking it is a purple crocea, but I wasn't sure.
Crocea, one of the most light intensive clams. Needs to be on rocks like you have it. MHs are almost a must for long term health. What was the good price?
Originally Posted by Hocky
The tank has plenty of lighting, no worries there. I am interested to see how it affects my Ca levels.
It was $30.
That is a good price. Unless your tank is 30 or less, you will not notice the Ca depletion IMO.
It's a crocea but I am not comfortable seeing the huge gap on it. Mine has never opened that wide.
Good luck and pay atttention to it for a while to see if it's health deteriorates.
The huge gap probably has to do with the fact that the picture was shot 15 minutes after placing it in the tank.... it was probably dealing with a bit of stress.