What kind of cleanup crew can i add?

duke jjz

I am starting up an aggressive tank (lion, triggers, angles, wrasses, etc) and wondering besides the fish and the LR, what else can I put in the tank? What kind of inverts, plants, etc etc. Looking for ideas!


In my experience large wrasses and triggers will literally eat ANY inverts (saddle, lunar wrasses and niger, pink tail triggers are the ones Ive kept, although the both wrasses were well over 8" when i got them) as far as lions, angels, and eels, I currently have various snails, hermits, serpent/brittle stars, chocolate chip stas, and an urchin all doing fine. note: my snowflake eel ate an emerald crab within 24 hours. As far as plants go, lions, wrasses, and triggers dont really bother caulerpas and whatnot, and the few large angels Ive kept (koran and annularis) neither would even touch any of my caulerpas either.


a uv and a refuge for an aggressive setup 99% of aggressive fish eat inverts especially the ones you listed don't waste your money just get those two pieces of epuipment and you don't have to buy snails or hermits every month.


Active Member

Originally posted by moto757
a uv and a refuge for an aggressive setup 99% of aggressive fish eat inverts especially the ones you listed don't waste your money just get those two pieces of epuipment and you don't have to buy snails or hermits every month.

VERY TRUE, good advice