what kind of corals/inverts can I keep?


New Member
I've recently purchased an aquapod 12 gallon, and am wondering what types of corals and inverts I can keep with the stock lighting. It's got 2 27 watt power compacts, one being an actinic. There is a branching hammer and some yellow polyps at the lfs that I'm eyeing, but am not sure as to what I am capable of keeping. Currently I've got 2 clownfish along with 20 lbs of live sand and 15 lbs of live rock. thanks.


you should be able to keep the hammer,
but some are supposed to have stinger tentacles that can harm other corals so you might not want to get it for a 12 gallon, dont really take my word as the final see what other people have to say


Active Member
You can keep pretty much any crab, shrimp or feather duster you want. For corals probably softies, zoo's, and LPS. You could keep the Hammer but they have sweeper tentacles that can sting other corals so you would have to be careful. You could put that on top with lie a frogspwan, one in each back corner, with some softies on the bottom and lower levels of the rock.