What kind of crab do I have?


New Member
I went to my LPS yesterday and he had an interesting looking crab...well come to find out he was scared to death of it and just GAVE it to me! He said a woman came in with it and told him it was eating ALL her fish and gave it to him. One of his employee's told him it was a "crustatean crab", and that it was poisonous!! So that did it for him. Well since I know nothing about crabs I did some research and can't kind anything called a "crustatean crab", But I can't find what he is either!! The closest thing I can find is a "Hairy crab". But he is built more like a Decorater crab except with hairs ALL over him. He is a light brown color,with black claws. All I really know about him is that he hides in the substrate and I have red algae in the tank and he covered himself with it. I had to set him up in a 2 gal hex tank alone since I don't want to loose any of my fish...And since my 2 gal is completly closed on top there is no chance of the little booger getting out....because I don't know if he is poisonous or not but I don't want to find out that way either!! I'm going to try to post a pic but all I have is a webcam and it's so hard to get him out. But if anyone has any ideas what my new little guy is please let me know!!