What Kind Of Crab Is This


Active Member
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Had two of them and got rid of them within 2 months. I knew they werern't reef safe but didn't have many corals at the time. As soon as I put a neon trumpet coral in; one climbed up to it and just started chomping on the heads.
Although, I feed them daily before meaty foods. They ARE THE BEST SANDSIFTERS I HAVE EVER SEEN. That was the only reason i got them. Plus they were free


damn.... well is it ok to keep it in my tank for now? i only have one and plus my tank is a fish only with live rock. i dont want to get rid of it yet because of the fact they are a great clean up crew and i plan on upgrading like within one month. it wont eat fish my right?


Active Member
as long as it doesn't catch them. I think its ok to keep them with a fowlr. make sure your specific gravity is appropriate.