what kind of CUC should i have in my 10G


ok so im in the process of building my 10g nano and i dont know what kind and how many inverts i need. the only thing that will be in my 10g will be some zoa's, 1 clown, i yellow goby. i have now idea of what to get as far a CUC goes for this tank. so any help would be good.
thank you
I would be very carefull adding a Cucmeber to your tank, because most of them will nuke your tank them they die. My recommadation would be a black sand sifting Cucuber.


If you meant clean up crew, I wouldn't over do it. Start off small, depending on how much you feed and the filtration, add more if you need to.
  • Nerites are pretty
    • Astreas are great glass cleaners
      Nassarius for stirring the sand bed
    Chestnut Turbos are small and unique
I would avoid hermits if you could. (Murdering ba$tards!)
The real small ones are good for picking in the small nooks in the rock, but they eventually get bigger.
OOPs.... Sorry i have seen the CUC also be used as a shortcut for Cucumber. However, in regard to hermit carbs, I have had no problems with either the Zebra or red scarlet hermit crabs.


ok thank you. i was looking for clean-up-crew. i would like one small red hermit. but i will follow the list that you gave me Prettyboy. thanks again
i was also thinking bout 1 peppermint shrimp.. would he be ok in the 10g?


i have had them before in a bigger tank but now with my current fish i couldnt run the risk of haveing peppermints cuz they might get eaten. that is y i would like 1 in my 10g